We are Infinite Beings! Unlock YOUR Potential.

My name is Dusty Don Drake.  
I practice various forms of Advanced Transformational Energy and Spiritual Work, but have a background as a firefighter, ski instructor, and veteran, graduated from West Point with a mechanical

engineering degree and an MBA, and had a successful career as a business executive before the Universe called me, through a series of deep spiritual awakenings, to lay down my identity to dedicate my life to spiritual awakening.

I bring a deeply calming presence to our discussions and sessions and non-judgemental listening to hear and see you where you are right now.  Bringing thousands of hours of study, practice, and sincere seeking, my passion is teaching, healing, and helping others see the magnificent Truth of Who We Are.

Much of the power that comes through in my work results from my journey of healing from PTSD. 

My deep longing and desire to be healed and free ignited a passion to know the most profound Truths of the Universe.  The power and intensity of my early life experiences have transmuted into an even more powerful gift in bringing healing to those with whom I work. 

My training includes initiations into:

Reiki Levels 1, 2, and 3, as well as initiations into the nine Peruvian Q’ero Shamanic Lineage rites.  I’m also trained in Buddhist and Kriya meditation, as well as in several other Indigenous traditions.

For over 20 years, I’ve studied many spiritual teachings, and practiced various forms of advanced energy work, and facilitated healing and transformation for others on a quantum level.
I work with people, animals, land, and even buildings!

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. 

We are not separate - we are ONE. 

We are infinite and ageless, without beginning or end, and creators, powerful beyond our imagination.

We were born to thrive,
and bliss is our birthright. 

We can all heal.
We can all be liberated. 
We can completely transform our experience of life.

Doing so is not simply a matter of changing our thoughts…
because our thoughts arise from something deeper, something core.

My purpose is helping you unlock YOU…
to move from contraction to expansion.

Using universal laws, shamanic and energetic facilitation techniques, coaching, conversation, and drawing on worldwide spiritual practices and our shared wisdom,
together we will open your path to living your highest,
most expansive potential. 

You can start today.

The truth lies within.
Begin a meditation practice.
Explore a spiritual path.
Deeply inquire, “Who Am I?”
and listen for the answer.