Uncommonly Powerful Healing

Schedule Your Healing Session Now

I see you.

Ultimately, the outcome of our work is a profound transformation that allows you to step into your most authentic, free form and be released from the burdens of the past.
You can emerge with a deep sense of self-acceptance, purpose, and a renewed connection to the world around you.
This journey towards wholeness and enlightenment benefits you and contributes to our interconnected existence's collective healing and harmony.

Schedule Your Healing Session Now

Unlock a world of possibilities

  • Experience profound personal growth?

  • Find new purpose and self-acceptance?

  • Reconnect with the world around you?

  • Step up, take your place, and be a driving force in the collective healing and harmony of our shared existence. 

    Schedule Your Healing Session Now

Are you ready to?

Single Healing Session

Investment: $222

  • Duration: 90 minutes

  • Session Includes:

    • Arrival and Check-in

    • Attunement for Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual well-being

    • Guidance & Grounding

  • Payment Method: Venmo accepted

    Schedule Here

Healing Packages

Experience 30 Days of Healing with one-on-one support and guidance

  • Options:

    • Bundle of 2: $350 (Bi-Weekly) ($444 Value)

    • Bundle of 4: $666 (Weekly) ($888 Value)

Session Hours (Monday - Friday)
Available from 1:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Get Started

These offerings provide opportunities for healing and guidance from Don Drake, helping individuals achieve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance and well-being. They are not intended for medical advice.

What To Expect

  • Before your session starts, to get the most benefit out of your session, it is beneficial to come with three or four intentions for the session. These can be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. It can be also helpful to note any questions that may arise in the moment so we can discuss them during our session.

    Because we are working energetically in the quantum field where time is an illusion, once you have scheduled a session, you may begin to feel the effects of the session even before we've physically started…That is a very good sign! It's also okay if you do not.

    It is good to be comfortable during a session, and to be in a place where you will not be disturbed during the session so you can be at ease. All sessions are confidential and treated with the utmost respect and acceptance. You may desire to have water with you and or something to take notes with but neither is required.

  • Each session is unique. We Begin the session by discussing your intention(s) for the session, Catching up on what's happened since the last session if you are returning client. We proceed from there based on your intentions. Some sessions are more physically based… that is focusing on physical issues energetically. Some may be more energetic based; that is focusing on clearing your energy and energy centers. This can include past life and ancestral work. it can also include healing trauma experienced earlier in your life whether physical, verbal, mental, sexual, Psychological or other. At other times, especially for those more experience with energy work or spiritual practices or energy healers, we may call through energetic initiations and activations.. such as wisdom downloads or 13-strand DNA Activation.

    Because this work is channeled, Guided by source and our higher selves, as well as our Guides, Angels and Archangels and Ascended Masters, this session flows and unfolds in a manner consistent with your highest good and best possible outcome.

    We start working with your body's energy field after our initial discussion, to relax your central nervous system repair your being to receive. while we are talking during this process, they're tend to be times when we are different energy work when there is quiet. often, channeled wisdom or guidance comes through and as it does I will speak it for you to hear. additionally as I am guided especially in past life work I will speak to you what I am seeing hearing and what is happening energetically in the session from time to time. when you come with an open heart, these sessions are magnificently powerful!

    As we naturally approach the end of a session, all of your body's energy systems receive balancing and tuning, as does your physical body. we've been surround you with light, ground you to Pachamama (Mother Earth) and open your crown chakra to the celestial.

    We may spend a little bit of time talking at the end of a session, but often is more powerful not to talk too much to allow the energy to continue to unfold and integrate… The work is powerful and rapid and we can make Quantum leaps even in one session!

  • While the changes we make energetically and on higher planes happen instantaneously, It takes our physical bodies sometime to catch up to the changes we made energetically. Thus, physically we integrate for a number of days After each session It's important to drink plenty of water for a few days especially after the session and to be gentle with ourselves as we integrate. you may have increased realizations or require additional rest. It's great to journal these insights and realizations as they occur, and to write down any questions that arise so we can discuss them in our next session. I am available to help integrate after each session.



Saturday, November 25th, 2023

Shamanic Healing Circle with Don Drake
10 - 11:30 pm CDT

3rd Eye Meditation Lounge & Elixir Bar
1701 Toomey Road Tranquility Room & Auditorium, Austin, TX 78704
Learn more and join us!

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • As I define it, energy healing, spiritual coaching, and mentoring brings together a combination of modalities to lead us to the truth of who we are so we can be free.

    This combination brings together deep shamanic energy healing practices to clear and release lower vibrational energies from our body, while also having uplifting conversation about the fundamentals of our true nature and the true nature of reality, and mentoring drawing from a lifetime of wide-ranging experiences in various leadership positions.

  • I see it as a synthesis. I bring together common threads from our shared World spiritual traditions. I listen to you and hold conversation with you, using shamanic and other energetic healing practices to unwind unhelpful energies, blockages, and past traumas, conditioning, etc. to bring you to a place of expansion where prior to your session you might have been experiencing compression. We discuss and implement helpful practices like meditation and visualization and being gentle with yourself, to help you step into the fullness of Who You Are.

  • It can help you make Quantum leaps in your evolution, helping you move through and dissolve blockages In your system. From a more open way of being, you can more fully realize your true potential while feeling calm and grounded.

  • Yes they can!

    Energy healing is affected for a wide range of conditions; especially trauma and or PTSD. The energy that comes through is also especially effective for healers themselves who are looking for healing and clearing of heavy energies.

  • Conventional talk therapy is wonderful and played a major part in my own healing Journey for many years.

    While conventional therapy helps raise our awareness of what's going on in our life and raises issues to the surface, it does not treat these issues energetically.

    By unwinding issues and traumas energetically we can often make Quantum Leaps that might take years to accomplish through conventional therapy, in my experience.

  • Yes absolutely; they can be an excellent adjunct to traditional Medical Treatments. Raising your vibration, energy, and outlook is known to aid in physical recovery.

  • Yes absolutely! We are working in the quantum energy field where there is no such thing as time, space, or distance. All sessions are done remotely over the phone or via video calls such as Zoom or FaceTime.

  • With energy healing and spiritual coaching you get an energetic boost in your process.

    Traditional life coaching seeks to help you advance via conversations which elicit questions to help uncover blocks and limiting beliefs in your path.

    Energy healing and spiritual coaching layers into this your realizing the Truth of Who We Are, building spiritual practices to bring peace and balance into our lives, and utilizes energetic healing techniques to help energetically identify and eliminate blocks in your path from this life or past lives.

  • Being spiritually grounded in a way that resonates with you is essential to your wellbeing and impacts your personal and professional growth in a way and with a perspective that brings joy and peace in your life.

  • Each one of your sessions is individually tailored to you based on your intention for the sessions and what arises energetically during the session. This holds true for all clients.

    I am available for post-session support via text and will respond as I am able. Longer or more detailed questions are best handled in another session so that I am able to provide you my full attention and we can explore your questions in depth.

  • You can expect to see results after your first session… clients report feeling much more calm, grounded and peaceful.

    Although some cases have cleared up after one session, for results on deeper issues, multiple sessions are generally required. If you've experienced energy work before your system is generally more open to start with.

    If this is your first time receiving energy work, oftentimes in the first session your system is "getting used to” receiving energy.

    While we often make Quantum leaps in sessions,, we have spent a lifetime or lifetimes accumulating energetic debris and as we work, we unwind and dissolve this energy in layers, like peeling back an onion.

    Subsequent sessions allow us to go deeper and build on previous energetic successes.

  • Feel into it. What does your heart say? How does it feel when you” tune into” doing an energetic session with me?

    Trust what you feel… we are all Divine beings and our intuition is divine. Our minds can mislead us but our heart and our intuition know.

    The movement of our time now is a move into our own personal sovereignty and knowingness. No one can tell you but you… so how does it feel? Therein lies your answer.

  • Sessions generally last anywhere from one to one and a half hours.

  • Give some thought to what your intentions for the session are… what issues would you like to resolve? What's coming up in your life? Are these issues physical, spiritual, emotional, mental or all of the above? We'll discuss those at the start of our session :-)

    For our session, dress comfortably and have some water with you and if you like, something to take notes with.

    There is no right or wrong position to sit, stand or line during the session, but it is important to be in a place where you feel free to be open and where you will be undisturbed during your session.

  • Sessions are held remotely over the phone or on Zoom or FaceTime. We Begin the session by talking and checking in to see how you're feeling, and to determine what your intentions are for the session.

    As we're talking I begin sending energy and opening up your field; as the energy increases we generally move into silence. I keep you informed of what I'm feeling, seeing and working on; if guidance is being channeled through for you I will speak that.

    We'll work on those things you identified as your intentions for the session, and your body and its energy systems will get a tune up. As the session wraps up we'll discuss what occurred during the session and answer any questions you have before concluding the sessions. Sessions may run up to an hour and a half.

  • I can provide some resources depending on What unfolds during our session. There generally is no homework per se but I may recommend practices for you to follow before our next session so we can discuss at our next session and so you can see for yourself whether the processes we discussed resonate with you.

    For instance if we discuss meditation I may recommend some practices for you to try to see how they feel, to see what your experiences are, and then to discuss at our next session.

  • It's best if you can, to rest and be gentle with yourself after a session.

    We move a lot of energy during sessions and while the energetic changes take place instantaneously, it can take our physical bodies a while to “catch up”.

    It can also be useful to take note of any insights or wisdom that may arise after a session and to write it down or record it if possible so you can remember it later.

  • While your physical body integrates the changes we made energetically, You may require a bit more rest and your body may detox after the session, so it's important to drink plenty of high quality water and electrolytes for a few days after your session.

    We are working with only Pure Source Light and thus all energies are benevolent and high-vibration, and we operate in a protected Sacred Space.

  • No, it does not.

  • All sessions are strictly confidential. I do not keep records of sessions.

Reschedule & Cancellation Policy

Sessions are paid in advance for the sole purpose that we can concentrate on the healing session and end our call in that manner without discussing payment at the end of the call.  

Cancellations Placed 24 hours or more in advance can be refunded or rescheduled.  Cancellations less than 24 hours in advance are non-refundable.